Facility Information

Details for Junny Rios Park East Pavilion

CapacityRequire Full Day ReservationInterface Type of WebTrac.
Match One Household Feature(s) of: Contracted Instructor,Facility Discount 2,Facility Discount 3,Facility Discount 5,Facility Discount 6,Rivers Edge.
Less Than 3 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac.
Not (Match One Household Feature(s) of: Rivers Edge.)

Junny Rios Park2100 Westminster DriveCocoa, FL, 32926(321)633-1871Facility: Junny Rios Park East Pavilion

$0.00 + $0.00 Tax = $0.00

(For use of outdoor water spigots only, not kitchens or serving areas.)

(Standard Fee):  $0.00 + $0.00 Tax = $0.00 $0.00 + $0.00 Tax = $0.00 $0.00 + $0.00 Tax = $0.00 $16.58 + $0.00 Tax = $16.58

(For use of outdoor water spigots only, not kitchens or serving areas.)

(Standard Fee):  $46.33 + $0.00 Tax = $46.33 $125.00 + $0.00 Tax = $125.00 $75.29 + $2.26 Tax = $77.55

Capacity: 40


Grill - 1
Water - Yes
Electricity - Yes
Serving Area - No
Kitchen - No

Additional fees may apply for water, electricity, serving areas and kitchens.

For additional information please call 321-633-1871.

** A Clean up and Damage Deposit of $125 will be due no more than 14 days prior to rental date**